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电话: 0311-67875383
姓名: Winter
Shijiazhuang Jiacheng Paper Container Co.,Ltd

  Hebei Loca Bio-tech Co.,Ltd. is located in Chinese Pharmaceutical Zone in Shijiazhuang,Hebei province, China . which is one of the main Pharmaceutical raw material area in China .As the most professional manufacturer and exporter of Pharmaceutical raw material in China , we have scientific management system , professional staffs,boasts advanced production technologies and equipments as well as precise testing instruments and perfect quality assurance *域名隐藏* main products include Arbidol Hydrochloride,Arbidol Hydrochloride Intermediate,Amoxicillin Trihydrate,Ampicillin Trihydrate,Emamectin *域名隐藏* nic acid,Sulfanilic acid,Ethyl *域名隐藏* ts quality comply with the standards of ...

主要产品/业务: 医药原料

Shijiazhuang Jiacheng Paper Container Co.,Ltd / 河北 / No.385,Xinshizhong Road,Shijiazhuang City. ( ) / 电话:0311-67875383

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